PODCAST SAMPLE: “Tea Time”: Social Media as My Queer Safe Space

– In this podcast, I talk about social media’s positive impact on a younger me that was living in a space that didn’t let him (or anybody) embrace their queerness.

3 thoughts on “PODCAST SAMPLE: “Tea Time”: Social Media as My Queer Safe Space

  1. Great podcast! Thank you for sharing your story. I think sometimes social media is looked at in a very negative way and its hard for us to see how awesome it can be, and your story is a perfect example of how social media is an amazing tool. Also, I liked your music choice, it fit very well with the ‘Tea Time’ vibe.

  2. I really enjoyed this podcast! I completely agree that even though there are negative things that social media brings, the safe space it creates for certain communities is essential. Additionally, I think it is crucial that people discuss the positives of social media more often, especially since it is not going away anytime soon.

  3. Amazing TOPIC!!!!!!! This podcast gave me life. The safe place that the Internet provides is amazing and does provide platforms for marginalized communities. I like how you incorporated a positive spin on things. Putting the positive spin on social media is not done enough and you did a really good job!

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