Monthly Archives: September 2024
PODCAST SAMPLE: digital media
Faceless Picture

Second Picture

I went from a girl who would be embarrassed to be seen eating at a restaurant alone, scared people would think I was a “loner,” to a girl who took herself out to dinner on Valentine’s Day and sat in a restaurant surrounded by couples.
What changed? I reframed my mindset from “They’ll laugh at me” to “I’m my own soulmate, so why wouldn’t I celebrate the love I have for myself? And even if people were laughing at me, it doesn’t matter. The only opinion that matters is my own.”
Sulaxchya’s Selfie Project

November 2022: In this first image, I was in what I’d call my “soft girl era.” A time when I moved through life as a people pleaser—kind, nice, and overly concerned with being liked. I didn’t know my worth, couldn’t stand up for myself, had no boundaries, and I’d let people walk all over me. I thought being nice meant always saying yes, even at the cost of my own peace.
Jiu Jitsu type of guy

This is a photo of (L) my father (M) Me (R) and my brother after my first Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tournament. As you can see I am holding my third place medal. This day taught me a lot about myself and the sports I fell in love with. I started BJJ around two years ago and decided that I should start my belt journey last summer. After this day I was granted two extra stripes on my White Belt, making me a three stripe White Belt