Breez SelfieCity

I was like 8 years old here i think. This was before a party and I liked my outfit I thought I looked very fresh. I had the new Puma lows with the black jorts and red and black plad shirt and was ready to go. I also had my earrings in I’ve had them since i was 7 

This was in December of 2023 on my trip to Dubai. Dubai is one of the nicest places in the world. I can’t wait to go back when I’m rich and chill more. This was taken specifically at a desert area with quads, bikes, and camels. Can’t forget my friend on my head lol. It was a really fun and experiencing trip for me. I always heard Dubai was a cool place and I definitely agree.  

This was taken on the first day of school. It’s memorable to me because it’s my first day of college. Also my first time wearing that outift.

Selfies Project 1

In the first photo I am in Lowry getting ready to meet some people for lunch.

In the second photo my item is my journal, personally I just hope to use my college years to just better myself, be active, and i use my journal to write my plans and goals.

In the third picture, it is my one from 3-5 years ago, this is me at a party a couple years ago, fun fact i love flowers.

Three Selfies

Overthinking the Thoughts going on inside my Mind

Kielian, Asiah, Image Title: Lost in my Mind February19th 2021

Stay Balance, Stay Neutral and Do what you Love to Do

Lorain Schools TV20, Lorain High Men’s Basketball Varsity Team, Title: Do What You Love to Do, Kielian, Asiah December 3rd 2021

Living in the Moment

Kielian, Asiah, Title: A Balance Life/Enjoy the Moment, August 31st 2024