Digital Detox 11/09/23

I have chosen to do the medium difficulty level- although it would be most ideal to have more time to spend on screens, I want to aim for a higher goal and spend time over the weekend to just sit outside and read books I haven’t finished outside of course materials.

Digital Detox Reflection 11/14/23

I think this was the most productive weekend I’ve had so far this semester. I definitely met my goal of spending more time with friends and I even read a book while eating lunch yesterday. Especially after watching The Social Dilemma, I felt like spending more time with friends and working on final projects was better use of my time than wasting hours consuming digital media. Also, I kept myself accountable by using the screen time settings on my phone and also telling my friends about it so they know that I am not supposed to be on social media. I think this experience helped me to understand that I need to use my time more wisely especially on my device. I think I will try to maintain it for a while and not redownload the apps I deleted. Especially after spending more time on final projects, I realized how unnecessary having Instagram or Snapchat was.

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