Qihao Yang’s Selfie Project

I took this picture at the College of Wooster and returned it to my parents yesterday.

This image was taken when I had a rough time and got emotional five years ago

Studying at the College of Wooster

2 thoughts on “Qihao Yang’s Selfie Project

  1. I really enjoyed this collection, I feel like you can really get a sense of your identity through these pictures. The first classic selfie shows your current state and emotions, and the second is really well edited and tells more than just the image with the flower effects and your pose, along with the dark edges. And the last image does a really good job of rounding out your identity as a college student, even with a cameo of the college logo and your hand, ready to work. Great job!

  2. I really liked the second selfie. The special lighting shows what kind of emotions you were going through. Very original. Also, I like your third selfie because that’s the view that we always see as an identity as a student.

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