Digital Detox Plan

This weekend I plan to do the intermediate level of the digital detox. I will spend my time concluding my reading of Camus’ Myth of Sisyphus and running outside in the nice weather. I also plan to watch football with some of my friends at their dorm without my phone.

One thought on “Digital Detox Plan

  1. I achieved the goals set forward for myself in the digital detox. It was fine, I had a lot of other stuff to do and was pretty much too busy to be on my phone. I ran a 5k, watched football with my dad, and talked with my family. The time usage showed me that sometimes I could be doing something better with my time, but it was not like I had 3 extra hours to do random stuff. I don’t think I will adapt any of the rules from the detox into my life right now because it is about to be the worst time in the semester and I don’t want to radically change something right now.

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