My Digital Detox – Derrick Jones Jr.

For my Thanksgiving break I chose to designate tech-free time periods. I told myself that from 12:00 am to 12:00 pm I would stay off of my phone. I periodically use this practice to stay on track and focus on my goals. I believe this practice is very useful and while doing this you get a lot done early. This practice allows you to dedicate the early portion of the day to your goals or tasks so you can have the rest of the day to yourself. It felt natural to go back to the tech free time periods. I made this decision to focus on family time and not be attached to my phone during my holiday break. I was able to spend tons of time with my family and also make some memories. During break I noticed I was less distracted and much more attentive to things around me. I would definitely continue to use this practice in the future, especially during times where I really need to focus, like exam weeks. I don’t think I would try another detox practice because the results benefit me so much. But if I was forced to do another practice I would utilize the Do Not Disturb setting more often.

One thought on “My Digital Detox – Derrick Jones Jr.

  1. Hey Derrick I thought your Digital Detox was super interesting and cool. I liked how you went on a 24 hour digital free experiment and ended up learning more about it. I noticed you mentioned that you didn’t plan on trying it again, but you realized it was helpful. That is pretty interesting. I agree that using it during exam weeks like the one we have coming up would make it very useful.

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