2 thoughts on “Parker Bigornia Story Map: Wooster Dorm Discrepancies

  1. Hi Parker! I like how your focus was discussing the differences in the residence halls yet addressing how the College of Wooster seems to be renovating to create improvements. For future reference, I suggest adding a navigation bar at the top of your story map, for readers to move freely and making the functionality easier. Additionally, since you focused on the discrepancies of the halls, I would encourage using videos or photos of inside the residencies. So it is more clear visually what the discrepancies are. You do a wonderful job of listing them in the amenities section, but I would have loved to see it. Overall, great job but I suggest adding detailed photos and a navigation control to your map!

  2. I like how this map shows the different features that each residential hall has. I’m a freshman and I had no say as to where I lived during my first year, and I probably got put in the worst dorm, which is Holden. The story map covers the inconveniences that come along with this, spreading awareness about which halls you want to get put in, and I think the project does a great job covering the information.

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