Selfie Project

By: Quinn Niblock

KODE 3- Bergen, Norway. Janet Niblock.

This picture was taken in one of a series of art galleries in the Norwegian coastal city of Bergen. The city has a mix of old and new. I believe this picture reflects that feeling. The contrast between the painting (Melkeveinen by Rolf Nesch) which has a naturalistic and tribal feeling due to the materials used, and the very modern style of clothing that I am wearing, seems to be stark. However, I believe art in its very essence is to tell a story and thus transport you to a time, place, or state of mind that is completely alien to your own. So in a way, gazing at this painting is a means of bridging the gap between the past and the present. As far as editing, I simply upped the contrast slightly to accentuate some shadows, increased saturation, and increased exposure on the blue window as I felt it matched the color scheme of the various paintings.

Wisp Resort- McHenry, MD, Elizabeth Kluegel Niblock

This picture is one that to me encapsulates a distinct feeling and group of memories, that being my winter breaks in elementary school. These periods were some of the times I looked forward to the most as my family and I would almost always take some sort of trip. This one happened to be a ski trip not far from my hometown. I think the feeling I get from viewing this picture is universal. The freedom and happiness of one’s childhood can be remembered through a snowman, a pair of skis, a cup of hot chocolate, or a red face after nosediving into snow. TO edit this photo, I simply increased saturation and used a levels layer to increase highlights and darken shadows.

Mount Vernon High School- Alexandria, VA.

TC Williams vs. Mt.Vernon Lacrosse. Rowan Kito.

This image made me contemplate the idea of how we define our own identities. I believe many people center themselves around a single definition, like that of an athlete. Many times we are defined by a jersey and a number, yet to many it is so much more. In an abstract way, this picture articulates that point. I think the imagery is similar to that of the sun viewed from space. In a sense, the picture is about the expansiveness of the world outside of the confines we place upon ourselves. Becoming more than just an athlete, a student, or any other label is about reaching toward the unknown. To edit this image I specifically upped oranges and reds to make the light source more vibrant. I also added a subtle orange hue on the back of my jersey and around the edges facing the light source. I also blurred some features of the background.

3 thoughts on “Selfie Project

  1. I like the Lacrosse photo because of where the camera took the photograph. I also find photos taken at night interesting. And lastly I like the photo because I am from Virginia as well.

  2. I like your last picture as an athlete! it really explains your identity and I like how you explained the edit of the picture in your caption. The oranges and red in the picture really do make the light source more vibrant. Good job!

  3. I like the last picture. It shows you identity and your love for the sport. I also applaud you in how you were able to bring the colors pout of the jerseys so well and edit the lighting. This photos looks very well almost as if its a professional photo.

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