Sulaxchya’s Digital Detox

For my digital detox, I followed Option 2: Designate tech-free times. For the first 30 minutes after waking up and the last hour before bed, I made sure not to use my phone. To help me with this, I implemented some practical daily shifts—like leaving my phone in a different room overnight and setting my physical clock far from my bed, so I had to actually get up to turn it off.

This small change really helped! I also made time for activities that fulfill me, such as meditation, yoga, and reading my favorite book first thing in the morning. At night, it was a bit challenging not to scroll on my phone, but I resisted the temptation by picking up a book I’d been wanting to read for a while. This made it easier to unwind and stay off my phone before bed.

Sulaxchya’s Storyboard

This is my storyboard and planning for my final project, which will focus on the topic of the Romanticization of Toxic Relationships in Media. I’ll be focusing specifically on how movies, books, and social media romanticize toxic relationships in the name of love, such as the very popular notion of “right person, wrong time” and the belief that “love is supposed to hurt.” I’ll discuss how these portrayals shape perceptions of “true love,” particularly among teenagers, and contribute to their bare minimum standards for what they consider “ideal” in dating. I used Canva to create this storyboard!

Sulaxchya’s Story Map: Privilege in Perspective

This project reflects on the contrast between my old school in a refugee camp and my current education at the College of Wooster. My goal was to emphasize that being able to go to school is a privilege, as many people, especially in refugee camps, still lack access to basic education. I also highlighted a few areas for improvement at Wooster, specifically focusing on enhancing inclusivity for all students.

Second Picture

July 2023: I chose this picture because I feel like it represents the person I am today. It was taken in the summer after I went on my self-love journey. In those eight months, I took time to really know myself on a deeper level, learned to date myself, healed my inner child, and became my own soulmate and best friend. Because of all the work I put in, I’m now someone who LOVES her solitude more than anything, puts herself first, doesn’t tolerate friendships just for the sake of time, and is firm with her boundaries. She’s quick to cut people off if they don’t align with her, but most importantly, she knows her worth. 

I went from a girl who would be embarrassed to be seen eating at a restaurant alone, scared people would think I was a “loner,” to a girl who took herself out to dinner on Valentine’s Day and sat in a restaurant surrounded by couples.

What changed? I reframed my mindset from “They’ll laugh at me” to “I’m my own soulmate, so why wouldn’t I celebrate the love I have for myself? And even if people were laughing at me, it doesn’t matter. The only opinion that matters is my own.” 

Sulaxchya’s Selfie Project