This story map goes in detail of some issues that the Compton dorm faces and how they can be improved
This story map goes in detail of some issues that the Compton dorm faces and how they can be improved
This Story Map explores the different qualities between residential-life buildings and raises room for improvements to be made. While the College of Wooster strives for fair and equal living quarters — and is in the process of renovating them — that still leaves some buildings in much poorer conditions than others.
Michael Tsega Jissa
Accessibility at the College of Wooster
This story concisely states the progressive history of architectural accessibility and proceeds to explores the current state of accessibility at the College of Wooster, focusing on the distribution of ADA-compliant systems across major public buildings. It centers on key areas of progress, such as the installation of automatic doors, while addressing challenges that hinder full inclusivity on campus. Through building-specific assessments, the piece advocates for continued improvements to ensure that all individuals, regardless of mobility, can independently access and navigate the campus.
This is a guide around campus which shows you a route. The route is made so you can walk safely at night alone or with people. You walk from emergency pole to emergency pole. I also added suggestions for locations of new emergency poles, because some areas are not well covered and can be scary to walk through at night.
This project reflects on the contrast between my old school in a refugee camp and my current education at the College of Wooster. My goal was to emphasize that being able to go to school is a privilege, as many people, especially in refugee camps, still lack access to basic education. I also highlighted a few areas for improvement at Wooster, specifically focusing on enhancing inclusivity for all students.