“Chatting with Mara” Podcast

In this podcast, I dive deep into the relationship between digital media and social justice. Hope you enjoy it!

2 thoughts on ““Chatting with Mara” Podcast

  1. I really enjoyed your choice of topic and how you related it back to some issues we talked about in class. The way you talked about how social media makes it a global issue is very important to this topic, and how far spread social justice can become as technology develops is another great talking point. Awesome job!

  2. Thank you for choosing such an important topic! In our day and age, digital media has revolutionized the way we engage with social justice issues. It helps movements gain a lot more traction through spreading awareness and conducting petitions, fundraisers, etc. on large platforms such as Twitter (X), as you mentioned. Digital media has made way for a more global conversation on issues of social justice. Again, great topic!

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