Accessibility at the College of Wooster(ArcGIS)

Michael Tsega Jissa

Accessibility at the College of Wooster

This story concisely states the progressive history of architectural accessibility and proceeds to explores the current state of accessibility at the College of Wooster, focusing on the distribution of ADA-compliant systems across major public buildings. It centers on key areas of progress, such as the installation of automatic doors, while addressing challenges that hinder full inclusivity on campus. Through building-specific assessments, the piece advocates for continued improvements to ensure that all individuals, regardless of mobility, can independently access and navigate the campus.

4 thoughts on “Accessibility at the College of Wooster(ArcGIS)

  1. I really liked your project on accessibility at the College of Wooster. First of all, it’s aesthetically pleasing, and the way you’ve structured it with a navigation bar at the top makes it easy to follow. The layout of the map is quite unique, and I think you’re really good with creativity. The text is concise, and the transitions between sections are smooth. I don’t have much to say other than that you did a great job! One suggestion I have is to consider proposing specific solutions to resolve the accessibility issues you discussed. Overall, great work!

  2. I really loved your idea and how beneficial it could be for people who need to know the locations of these doors and places. I was impressed by how you used a map for each important location, as it’s quite remarkable to have them all gathered in one map. Great job!

  3. I like how you included the history of accessibility for disabled people and showed how things have improved over time. It’s meaningful to see that progress while also recognizing there’s still more to do. Your project highlights inaccessible spots on campus and brings attention to how we can continue improving accessibility.

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