Description: This project is about our current situation with artificial intelligence, mainly focused on its influence on the job market, in contrast with the first industrial revolution. I tried to draw parallels and discover meaningful connections that can help us learn from the past.
Author Archives: Michael Tsega Jissa
Digital Detox
I decided to manage my notifications and use an app to limit my screen time. I blocked notifications for TikTok and Instagram because I often receive unimportant or distracting messages rather than useful ones. I realized I would click on these notifications almost automatically and end up spending hours on the apps. I also downloaded an app called StayFree, which provides a detailed breakdown of my screen time and alerts me whenever I spend more than 30 minutes on an app. These notifications usually make me leave the apps without needing to impose strict limits. The app also motivates me by showing statistics that track my daily progress.
I chose these methods because I often lose track of time while using social media. Overall, my experience has been positive, and I plan to continue. I didn’t experience withdrawal symptoms, instead, I felt fulfilled and encouraged to use my time more productively.
Story Board: AI and the Future of Employment
*If you see a login page when you click the link, use your COW account to gain access*
Accessibility at the College of Wooster(ArcGIS)
Michael Tsega Jissa
Accessibility at the College of Wooster
This story concisely states the progressive history of architectural accessibility and proceeds to explores the current state of accessibility at the College of Wooster, focusing on the distribution of ADA-compliant systems across major public buildings. It centers on key areas of progress, such as the installation of automatic doors, while addressing challenges that hinder full inclusivity on campus. Through building-specific assessments, the piece advocates for continued improvements to ensure that all individuals, regardless of mobility, can independently access and navigate the campus.
The Lex Podcast: Digital Invasion
Music by Pumpupthemind. September 16, 2024. Creative Technology Showreel. Creative Technology Showreel | Royalty-free Music – Pixabay
Safiya Noble, Algorithms of Oppression; Delfanti. A & Arvidsson. , (2019). Introduction to digital media.
Michael’s Selfies Project

Jissa, Michael. Most recent selfie. September 2, 2024. Image gallery
I’m lying on the floor, surrounded by my physics and math related books, papers, journals, comic books, mangas, and my guitar. These represent the things I spend most of my time on, capturing how I often feel overwhelmed and sink into my this hobbies, to the point where I zone out of reality.

Jissa, Michael. face-centric selfie. August 18, 2024. Image gallery.
Unknown. Sticker,–saint-lazarus-haile-selassie.jpg. September 2, 2024. Pinterest.
This is me on the rooftop of my house back in Ethiopia, on the day I left the country, which also happened to be my birthday. The traditional garment I’m wearing, called a ‘Gabi,’ was a gift from my aunt. Often associated with nobility, the Gabi symbolizes my pride in my ethnicity and the sticker represents my bloodline as a descendent of the Solomonic Dynasty. In the background, you can see the city where I grew up in, Addis Ababa.

Jissa, Michael. Face-less selfie. September 2, 2024. Image gallery
This image captures my passion for drawing.