Here’s my final project on ArcGIS Story Maps!
Author Archives: Olivia Todd
Digital Detox – Liv Todd
I started my digital detox during Thanksgiving since I knew I would be busy helping cook dinner and spending time with my family. I turned my phone on Do Not Disturb and made sure to leave it in my room when I went to help prepare and cook Thanksgiving dinner. It allowed me to stay undistracted and catch up with my mother and sister, instead of doom-scrolling while I waited for the food to cook. I also made sure not to look at my phone as soon as I woke up and instead get ready for the day. This allowed me to start my day well-off, making sure I had everything done in time — like finish any packing/unpacking or cleaning before the rest of my family arrives
Overall, this detox allowed me to fully enjoy the time spent with my family during the holiday. It was also easier for me to not think about checking my phone since I was busy socializing and doing tasks for most of the day.
StoryBoard Olivia Todd

This is my storyboard for my final, which is going to be an art piece representing Western beauty standards and the harm it can have on mental health. I also plan on talking about how the media curates these standards, capitalizing on the insecurities of women instead of trying to uplift them. Following this, I want to try to add a time-lapse of the piece being drawn via Procreate.
Difference in Living Spaces Amongst Students – Liv Todd
This Story Map explores the different qualities between residential-life buildings and raises room for improvements to be made. While the College of Wooster strives for fair and equal living quarters — and is in the process of renovating them — that still leaves some buildings in much poorer conditions than others.
Beauty is Fake – Olivia Todd
Today’s episode discusses the use of digital media increase the standard of beauty for women? And are these standards unattainable? Since anything can be uploaded and digitally altered, models and influencers we often see may not be as authentic as we think.
Amanda painting!