My project and my storyboard I will be making a podcast about The impact AI is having on soccer. My main focus will be how AI is used for player analytics, How is used during the game and how it is used to scout talent.
My project and my storyboard I will be making a podcast about The impact AI is having on soccer. My main focus will be how AI is used for player analytics, How is used during the game and how it is used to scout talent.
This is my storyboard and planning for my final project, which will focus on the topic of the Romanticization of Toxic Relationships in Media. I’ll be focusing specifically on how movies, books, and social media romanticize toxic relationships in the name of love, such as the very popular notion of “right person, wrong time” and the belief that “love is supposed to hurt.” I’ll discuss how these portrayals shape perceptions of “true love,” particularly among teenagers, and contribute to their bare minimum standards for what they consider “ideal” in dating. I used Canva to create this storyboard!
This is what I created while brainstorming and outlining the story map I will be creating for my final project. The topic of my final project will be “How have social media and echo chambers impacted political polarization in the US?”
This is my storyboard, I tried mostly to add as much sidenote’s I wanted to include into the final project.
This my storyboard for my final project, I’m focusing on essentials every international student coming to the College of Wooster in Ohio might need. I’m also planning to gather student opinions on the best recommendations and which ones they advise for new students, along with some insights from my own experience as finding a job on campus.
This is my storyboard for my final, which is going to be an art piece representing Western beauty standards and the harm it can have on mental health. I also plan on talking about how the media curates these standards, capitalizing on the insecurities of women instead of trying to uplift them. Following this, I want to try to add a time-lapse of the piece being drawn via Procreate.