My Choice for the Digital Detox

I plan to take a modified version of the medium option for the digital detox. I am going to stay off of two social media platforms, but instead of giving myself 3.5 hours of digital entertainment and 3 hours for other activities on my phone, I am going to combine it all and stay under 3 hours of screen time on my phone a day. Since I got to college, I have been trying to limit my screen time on my phone and have already seen some improvement. However, I still need to work on my consumption of social media. I usually stay around 3 hours on weekdays, but on weekends I can go as high as 6 hours a day. My goal is stay consistently under 3 hours every day, including weekends.

Overall, my digital detox went well last week. Except for one day, Friday, I stayed under 3 hours of daily screen time. During the week limiting my screen time was not as challenging as I had originally thought, since I spend a lot of my free time practicing sports, hanging out with people or doing homework anyway. Usually, my schedule during the week is pretty tight, so I do not have a lot of time to spend on social media. However, I was most challenged on Friday night. I had a cross country meet early the next morning so I could not go out with friends, and so I had a lot of free time to myself. I ended up spending more time on social media that night than I realized, and I went about an hour over my 3-hour screen time limit.

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