Digital Detox outcome-Zephan

I choose the medium level difficulty. I found it to be easier than I thought. I decided to delete YikYak, Fizz, and Discord off my phone. Even after the detox I haven’t redownloaded them. Because of the detox I found more things to do that I don’t normally do. I hadn’t left campus in a few weeks so I decided to go on a walk and at the end of the walk I rewarded myself with pizza. I also found time to get some exercise in playing basketball, volleyball, and ping pong. Lastly, I felt better mentally not looking t social media frequently. In the future I will probably do a variation of this.

Zephan Deal Storyboard

For this project I want to emphasize making a story with a lot of visuals and context behind them. My plan is to select nine photos (one from every two years of my life) and provide a detailed caption to each of them explaining the meaning behind them. I also want improve on my photo editing skills and make the photos interesting to look at rather than having the “filler photo” vibe to them. Lastly I want the audience for this project to be anyone, I think anyone is able to learn something from someone else’s life and story.

Selfie Project-Zephan

April 14th, 2023

This is my most recent selfie that only had me in it. In this photo I wanted to put the main focus on myself and Kauke. I started off by cropping out a bench on the right and a distracting tree. I then used the sharpen tool on myself and the building in the background. I like this photo mainly because its rare to see photo of a singular person in a popular area. I guess the irony of this photo is that im wearing a Villanova Hoodie.

February 19th, 2023

This is a photo of me playing basketball. For this photo I wanted a more narrow structure to match the subject of the photo (Me, the ball, and the hoop). To focus more on the subject I blurred everything in the background. Then I sharpened hoop and the ball more. Finally I adjusted the brightness to be slightly higher.

April 1, 2020

This photo was at the start of the pandemic. As some people may know, most basketball courts were off limits due to Covid restrictions so my dad and I drove around one day for a while to try to find a court for me to play on during the pandemic and we finally found one. And this photo is at that court.

First off, similar to my other basketball photo, I wanted to make the image fit with my body position so I cropped the sides of the photo inward. After that I blurred part of the background that either had big distracting colors or lettering.